Vyrul Development Update

We're almost there!!

What’s Been Going On?

Back in July an early Beta version was released to a group of specialist testers, overall the closed test was a great success, as the tool performed as expected and a lot of great pointers and advice was provided by the testers.

Since then I have been hard at work incorporating a number of new features into the tool and squashing a number of bugs, a lot of work has also gone into providing performance upgrades on the backend to ensure maximum efficiency, the last thing I want is to have large queues of data and users wondering where there post is.

The AI prompts have also had an overhaul, this is to ensure that each post produced has an element of flair, but I will come onto this in more details shortly.

New Features

Post Styles

From the feedback from the closed beta test it was clear that the posts that were being provided were very similar to each other as they followed the same format. To the combat this I have added in seven new post styles, the new styles are:

  • Educational

  • Promotional

  • Storytelling

  • Product Showcase

  • Inspirational

  • News

  • Entertaining

Each style has it’s own set of instructions to ensure you get an optimised post for the style you need. After launch the list of post styles will be reviewed and more will be added.

Tone of Voice

Hitting the right tone is key for any social media post, to make this happen a total of 10 tones of voice have been added, there are:

  • Casual and Conversational

  • Humorous and Witty

  • Informative and Educational

  • Inspirational and Motivational

  • Professional and Authoritative

  • Friendly and Approachable

  • Sarcastic or Ironic

  • Enthusiastic and Energetic

  • Empathetic and Supportive

  • Provocative and Controversial

During testing the tones of voice mix really well with the styles and the results have been amazing.

Export Posts

This is a very simple feature, but also very handy, an export feature has been added so you can easily export your posts in bulk to a CSV file. So if you’re creating content in bulk you can easily grab all of your posts instead of having to copy the text for each post one by one.

When is Launch Day?

At the moment there is no firm date in the calendar for launch, at the moment the focus is marketing the tool on social media and building a following. What is firm in the plan is that there will be more of a focus on TikTok, there will be a number of product showcase videos on there and then the plan is to have a soft launch on TikTok first. I think a practical guideline for Launch would be the start of October.

What Will Be Launched?

On day one, only the base package will be available, there is still a lot of work to go into the pro features and at the moment I can’t commit to those being ready and tested in time for launch. If you start out on the base plan and want to upgrade to pro later on then that will be an option.

Once the pro plan is up and running, the other new features will be added to the tool. A full list of these are on our features page with a rough timescale for each.

Launch is TOO Far Away I Need Access Now!

I fully appreciate that you may be keen to get your hands on the tool early and start creating amazing posts with ease right now, so I am willing to let you in early, just send me an email to: [email protected] and I can see about getting you set up prior to launch.

This is a really exciting time and I can’t wait for you to get access to this amazing tool. Check out our social links below and make sure you follow to get all the latest updates, these are all new accounts, so not a lot to see right now, but this will change very soon!